Replacing siding is no doubt a significant investment for any homeowner, whether driven by necessity or for cosmetic enhancement purposes. However, the benefits of adding new siding to your home are plentiful. Not only does it protect your home from the elements, but it also enhances energy efficiency, improves curb appeal, and increases resale value.

Before embarking on a siding project, it’s crucial to ensure that you and your home are adequately prepared for the skilled work a qualified contractor will undertake. If you’re curious about your role in the preparation process, we’ve covered you with tips to help you effectively prepare for siding installation. So, let’s dive in.

Trim Back Landscaping

Overgrown trees, shrubs, or bushes close to your house could potentially obstruct the siding crew’s work. It’s important to trim any branches or foliage that might be in the way and focus on creating at least 5-8 inches of clearance between the current siding and landscaping. This allows the crew easy access while minimizing the risk of damage to your plants.

Trimming back your landscaping not only makes the contractors’ work easier and more efficient but also ensures that your precious greenery is protected from damage during installation.

Additionally, it’s advisable to communicate with your contractor to see if they recommend removing specific plants or landscaping features to facilitate the project further.

Relocate For Siding Installation If You Work Remotely

Consider relocating during siding installation if you work remotely. Concentratonidst home renovations can disrupt your workday. Find a quiet coworking space or work from a friend’s house to stay productive while replacing your siding.

Clear The Exterior Of Your Home 

Before the contractor shows up,  take some time to prepare the workspace for a smooth and efficient process. Start by creating a clear and unobstructed free area for the work.

Gently relocate any decorative items or outdoor furniture to a more secure area, such as your garage or shed, until the whole installation process is complete. 

This will not only protect your cherished belongings from potential damage but also allow the construction crew to access them easily. 

No Kids and Pets 

During siding repair or replacement, keeping kids and pets away from the work area is important. The loud noises and strangers in the house can stress out your furry friends, while children might accidentally wander outside and get hurt by debris.

Consider having your kids and pets stay with a friend or family member until the project is complete to ensure their safety and avoid potential accidents.

Protect  the Interior of Your Home

Vibrations during siding removal and installation may affect your home’s interior walls. Therefore, it’s crucial to safeguard your belongings. To prevent damage, take down framed photos, art pieces, plants, glass hangings, and lamps.

Consider removing light fixtures and other sensitive objects. These precautions protect your belongings and reduce the risk of injury from falling items. 

Taking these steps before work begins ensures a smoother siding replacement process while keeping you and your possessions safe.

Park your Car Properly 

The siding contractors will require ample driveway space to place a dumpster to dispose of your current siding and accommodate the new siding upon arrival. Additionally, they’ll need room to cut any pieces that require trimming to fit perfectly onto your home.

If you have a garage, great – park your car there until they finish. If not, consider finding a spot in your neighborhood to park your car during the project. This way, you can avoid any chance of debris damaging your car.

Cut Off the Power 

During siding replacement, cutting electrical wires is sometimes necessary, a crucial yet often overlooked aspect. Handling external wiring and lighting carries a significant risk of shock. Hence, siding repair experts advise switching off the electricity for exterior lights to mitigate this risk of damage or electrocution.

Inform your Neighbours

Lastly, inform your neighbors about the upcoming siding replacement project. It’s just a friendly heads-up to let them know what’s happening. Giving them a heads-up helps manage expectations and avoids surprises like noise or temporary parking changes.

Sharing a quick overview of the project timeline and potential impacts shows that you’re considerate of their space too. Plus, it fosters a sense of community and cooperation. 


Ensuring your home is prepared for a siding replacement is essential for supporting contractors and keeping your property and loved ones safe. Taking proactive steps isn’t just about a smooth process—it’s also about protecting you, your loved ones, your belongings, and overall safety. Prioritizing these measures sets the stage for a successful siding replacement, giving your home a refreshed exterior that adds value and protection for the long term.
Transform your home with confidence! Choose Phoenix Siding for your siding replacement needs. Our expert team ensures a hassle-free experience from start to finish. Schedule your consultation today, and let’s give your home the upgrade it deserves!