There’s a very high chance that your building or home had a soffit installed. An easy way to know is to simply just walk outside and have a look up at your roof. Do you happen to see that material that is connecting the roof overhang and the side of the house or building? Yes, that is the soffit.

The meaning of the word soffit is “something fixed underneath” and derives from the French language.  The most common use for a soffit is around a building’s roof. On the other hand, it is also used under porches, under arches, columns, and under stairs. Usually, a soffit is used for anything that has a visible ceiling. A soffit is commonly made out of aluminum or vinyl and sometimes fiber cement, wood, or steel.

The article will place its focus mostly on the soffit’s primary use and function.

Soffits serve a dual purpose. One is an aesthetic function, and the other is for a building’s roofing system. Essentially, it is a layer that covers the eaves of your building or home. Without this, the rafter beams would be exposed and visible. So, it is covered up with a soffit in a desired style or color that is most appealing to the owner.

A soffit protects the rafters of a building from outside elements that may cause damage such as the weather for instance. When rafters are exposed, they do not just become more susceptible tomold build up and beam rot but will mold and rot.

At some point, if a soffit were not in place, these crucial parts to a roofing system would need to be replaced. A person having to replace these after that kind of damage would not be fun nor cheap spring or summer. Mold is never is good on a person’s health either.

On the similar note of health, soffits keep your home a healthy and happier home by giving it ventilation so that it can breathe. A vented soffit creates air flow through the vents to provide a flow of regular air into one’s attic. The flow of air is of great importance in a home.

If a solid soffit seems more visually appealing, make sure to have vents installed to allow proper air circulation throughout the entire attic. To ensure that there is proper air circulation, for every couple of soffits that are installed, install a vented panel to assure air flow.

In the summer months, if the eaves were sealed tight instead of having ventilation through soffits, the attics would draw in (and hold) the hot summer heat. Ever wondered why there is that sweat beading your forehead and you are forced to buy more fans than needed or air conditioner? More than likely, it could be from the attic overheating.

With no soffits, in the winter months, snow and rain would lead to moisture buildup, which would then lead to rotting and mold in the rafters.

The attic of your building or home needs to breathe, and the circulation of air is crucial to keeping moisture out of your home and roofing system.

Give Phoenix Siding a call, and we will talk soffits with you.