The first feature of a house that people notice is the exterior. A home’s exterior can significantly impact its curb appeal and value. This is especially true regarding houses in major cities or neighborhoods. If you want to sell your home or improve its value, you should consider these four tips to ensure it lasts.

Keep the Outside of Your Home Neat and Clutter-Free.

Regardless of how big or small your property is, keeping the outside of your home or business clean is crucial for your family’s and your home’s health, as well as for the appearance of your home. To keep the outside of your home neat and clutter-free, pick up trash in your yard, trim any overgrown bushes or trees, and ensure your lawn is mowed. It’s also important to keep the gutters clear of leaves, twigs, and other dirt to prevent clogging up your downspouts and causing water to pool at the bottom of your roof. You can also use the outdoors to enjoy yourself by setting up a picnic table or hammock.

Repair Any Exterior Damage Right Away

When you notice a cracked window, fading paint on the wall, or a leaky roof, don’t try to fix it later. Get the job done right away. It is more likely to get worse the longer you wait. If you don’t quickly address the problem, water may leak into your home, promoting mold formation and mildew. Furthermore, if you wait too long, the damage will be much more expensive to repair. Call a contractor or an emergency plumber if you need to make an urgent repair before your house sustains too much damage. The three most likely areas to get damaged on your home’s exterior are:

·       Roof

Although we cannot control the weather, we can take steps to protect our homes from the elements. The roof is an exposed part of your home subjected to all weather conditions, so it is important to inspect it at least once every six months, and if necessary, you should replace it.

·       Gutter

Rainwater can cause severe damage to your home and its exterior if it is not properly considered. Before cleaning up any water on your property, get the gutters cleaned out first. You should go around your house and ensure a good seal around your gutters. This will prevent any water from coming in and getting into your home. Gutter guards are a must; they are designed to protect your gutters and home from water damage. Painting your gutter is also a good idea to ensure that it will last longer and not get damaged by the elements.

·       Siding

Siding is a relatively new building material in many cases, and only some people know how to maintain it properly. The siding is vulnerable to weather, pests, and even vandalism. There are various ways you can protect your siding from damage and extend its life. First, use the proper paint and primer on the siding to prevent rusting and fading. It would help if you also used a sealant to keep the moisture out of your home’s exterior. Finally, you should check your siding regularly for any damage or signs of wear and tear and patch them as soon as possible.

Focus More on High-Quality Materials Than Prices.

Make sure you spend money on top-notch exterior building materials if you want your house to last a long time. Various exterior building materials include stucco, fiber cement, cedar, and vinyl. You should also prioritize the quality of the exterior materials over price because doing so will allow you to think more strategically about the long term. Wood and stone are excellent building materials because they last longer and are weather-resistant.

Make An Annual Checklist For House Upkeep

A checklist is good for managing all the household chores that need to be completed. It helps you stay organized and save time. Whether you reside in a little apartment or a large mansion, you can develop a yearly checklist for your home. Ensure you have enough time to finish everything on the list before the year ends. Examples of things to include in a checklist include:

  • Check the air filter.
  • Check the water heater.
  • Check for any leaks.
  • Clean the gutters.
  • Clean the windows.
  • Clean the exterior of the house.
  • Clean the inside of the house.
  • Change the filters on your appliances.
  • Clean the fridge.

The checklist should include cleaning, maintaining, and repairing tasks. It should also include tasks that will help you save on your monthly expenses, such as replacing lightbulbs and checking your heating and cooling system’s efficiency.


The elements constantly bombard a home’s exterior, which can take a beating over time. This is why it’s important to regularly inspect your home’s exterior and ensure that any necessary repairs are taken care of immediately. By following these four tips, you can help ensure that your home’s exterior lasts for years to come. If you need assistance with any of the tasks mentioned here, don’t hesitate to contact us at Phoenix Siding. We specialize in siding, windows, roofing, and gutters. We’ll be happy to give you a free estimate.