When it comes to windows for your home, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Evaluating which type of window will best fit the space and style of your home requires careful consideration. With all the different types—from casement to double-hung, bay, and bow windows—narrowing down your choices can be overwhelming. But don’t worry – this article will walk you through everything you need to know to determine which windows are best for your home!

Two Main Things to Consider When Choosing Your Windows:

When deciding on windows for your home, there are two important aspects to consider. First, you will want to ensure they are energy efficient and properly insulated. This is a key factor in keeping your energy costs low. 

Secondly, when selecting windows for a home or office, it’s important to consider the amount of light they will let in. Natural light has been linked to improved productivity and overall well-being, so if your chosen window brings insufficient sunlight into the room, you risk limiting these potential benefits. 

Furthermore, having too much light in a room can be just as detrimental: it can damage furniture, fade carpets and make computer screens difficult to read. The right window should help you reap the benefits associated with natural lighting without resulting in long-term problems. 

Best Window Styles to Consider For Your Home

  • Single or Double Hung Windows

Single or double-hung windows are the classic window style and are perfect for homeowners looking to make a statement. They are a great way to define architectural character while providing ventilation and natural light. What defines a single/double hung window is that they are divided vertically into two parts, with one part able to slide up over the other. 

Single-hung windows offer only one operable sash, while double hung have two, letting more air into your home. Additionally, the reverse tilt operation on these windows makes it easier to clean the outside of your window by tilting it slightly inwards. These versatile windows can be used in nearly any house, making them extremely desirable!

·       Casement Windows

They are hinged along one side, allowing for quick and easy opening and closing of the window even with high winds due to its single lever operation. The design of these windows also allows for full visibility as the sash can open outwards, letting in more natural light than vertically hung windows. 

Casement windows are also known for their durability and energy efficiency as they come equipped with modern features such as double or triple glazing, air chamber insulation seals, warm edge spacers, and Low E coatings on glass panes which increase their thermal performance.

·       Awning Windows

Rather than sliding open like traditional double-hung or casement windows, awning windows open outward at the bottom, allowing air to fill the room from the top. They can be placed singly or grouped in multiples for added light and atmosphere. 

By positioning multiple units together, one operating as an awning window and the others as casement windows, you gain plenty of fresh air while maintaining privacy from up high. Awning windows are also great for areas above sinks or cabinets needing extra open space.

·       Slider Windows

Slider windows are energy-efficient and provide tremendous functionality. They are constructed with two sashes that move side to side on a sliding track. These window types have the smallest available frame profile, allowing for more natural light exposure without compromising the view from the window. 

Additionally, slider windows are noticeably easier to open than traditional hung windows and require less maintenance overall with fewer moving parts. Because of their ability to reduce air infiltration, these windows can be used in every climate.

Window Frame and Sash Materials

Once you have determined the type or style of window, you must consider the materials the windows are made from. 

·       Wood Windows

Wood is beautiful and has good insulating properties to resist heat and cold. However, it requires regular maintenance. Besides regular painting or staining, wood windows must be treated to protect them from movement, moisture, and rot.

·       Vinyl Windows

Vinyl windows are becoming increasingly popular for homeowners looking to replace the windows in their houses. Vinyl is virtually maintenance-free, reasonably priced, provides excellent insulation, and looks great.

·       Vinyl Clad Windows

They offer the beauty of wood internally with a vinyl coating on the wood frame outside. This offers the maintenance-free feature that makes vinyl windows so popular while giving the beauty and natural feel of painted or stained wood on the inside.

Choosing Window Glass

Next, you must choose the best type of glass for your windows:

·       Low Emissivity (Low-E) Glass

Low Emissivity (Low-E) Glass is an advanced, energy-efficient glass product designed to help buildings save energy. Low-E-coated glasses are designed to limit ultraviolet and infrared light transmission while still providing high visible light transmission. This innovative technology can reduce the heat that enters or leaves a building by up to 82%, making it a cost-effective choice for reducing energy consumption and utility bills. 

·       Impact-Resistant Glass

Impact-resistant glass is a great option to consider when it comes to window replacements. Not only does it provide superior protection from any potential damage, but it also maintains the clarity of your view and enhances the aesthetic of your home. Impact-resistant glass is designed using multiple layers of tempered safety glass and shatter-proof polyvinyl butyral to keep your family secure. It’s also much thicker than regular window panes providing superior strength and soundproofing capabilities. 

Choose Phoenix Siding Contractors

Deciding to replace your windows is a big one. Not only are you investing in your home, but you’re also choosing something that will impact the look and feel of your house for years to come. We hope this guide clarifies what type of window is right for you and your home. Remember, if you have any additional questions or would like help with installation, our team at Phoenix Siding is always happy to help. Give us a call today!