Windows are essential home features, ushering in natural light, fresh air, and spaciousness. Well-kept windows also hold the key to significant energy savings for homeowners.

Yet, much like any other component of a household, windows are not immune to wear and tear. One common concern is a compromised window seal, a problem from manufacturing flaws, damage during shipping or installation, or the unforgiving forces of extreme weather.

When this seal is compromised, it can trigger various issues, from reduced energy efficiency to unwanted moisture intrusion. 

Fortunately, we’ve compiled straightforward information to help you recognize the significance of window seal issues and guide you in maintaining a cozy, secure home while cutting down on energy expenses.

What Does a Window Seal Do?

Let’s clarify: window seals should not be mistaken for window sills. Window seals are used in modern windows to keep the air intact between multiple glass panes. 

Unlike older windows with just a single pane of glass, modern windows are designed with two or even three panes. These panes are separated by air or inert gas layers and sealed securely with an elastic sealant.

These layers enhance energy efficiency by acting as a barrier against external weather conditions. Some advanced windows even utilize gases like argon to maximize their effectiveness by filling the space between these layers.

When a window seal fails, it opens the door for moisture and humidity to infiltrate the spaces between the glass panes. This can lead to visibility issues as your windows become foggy or clouded. So, if you’ve ever struggled to enjoy a clear view through foggy windows, it’s likely due to a failing seal. 

Quickly addressing this issue through repairs is essential to restore both the clarity and energy efficiency of your windows

Reasons Why Window Seals Would Fail?

Here are some of the most common reasons why your window seal would fail:


As window seals age, the constant exposure to changing weather conditions and fluctuations in temperature can take a toll on their elasticity. This natural wear and tear makes them more vulnerable to cracks, compromising their effectiveness in maintaining a proper seal between the glass panes. 

Regular inspections and timely replacements can mitigate this issue.

Design Defect

Occasionally, the problems with window seals can be attributed to design flaws during the manufacturing process. These defects may inadvertently impact the seal’s performance. Fortunately, warranties often cover issues that result from manufacturing mistakes, ensuring homeowners have a remedy if their window seals are affected by design-related problems.

Be sure to review the terms of your warranty to understand the extent of coverage provided.

The Elements

Your home’s windows are on the front lines when facing the elements. They can endure damage from hail, tornadoes, or other severe weather conditions, leading to seal failure. Such extreme weather events can compromise the integrity of the window seals, allowing moisture and air infiltration and, ultimately, diminishing their effectiveness. 

Regular inspections after extreme weather can help catch seal issues early on.

Inferior Materials

The quality of the materials used in manufacturing the window seals can significantly impact their longevity. Inferior or low-quality sealant materials may damage quickly, leading to seal failure. Investing in windows with high-quality sealant materials can extend the life of your seals.

Poor Installation 

Improper installation of windows can also contribute to seal failure. If windows are not installed correctly, it can create gaps or weaknesses in the seal, allowing air and moisture to penetrate. Ensure that you hire experienced professionals for window installation to minimize the risk of seal problems.

What Are The Signs of a Broken Seal?

To ensure your home’s energy efficiency and the integrity of your windows, it’s essential to recognize the signs of a broken window seal. Here are common indicators:

High Energy Bills

Keep a close eye on your energy bills. A sudden increase in heating or cooling costs, especially if your energy usage habits haven’t changed significantly, can be a sign of a failing window seal.

When the seal is compromised, your HVAC system has to work overtime to compensate for the loss of insulation, resulting in higher energy consumption and costs.

Foggy Or Cloudy Windows

One of the most obvious signs that your window seal is failing is when the glass panes in your windows start to look foggy or cloudy. This happens because moisture is found between the panes, causing condensation. 

Not only does it make it difficult to see through your windows, but it’s also a clear indication that the barrier meant to keep insulating gas or air between the panes is no longer doing its job. When a window seal works correctly, it should keep the inert gas (which acts as insulation) inside, ensuring your windows stay clear. 

But when the seal fails, your windows will remain cloudy, no matter how hard you try to clean them inside and out.

When Your Window is Drafty

Feeling drafts of cold or warm air near your windows, especially during extreme weather conditions, clearly indicates a broken seal. 

These drafts result from the compromised insulation capacity of your windows due to seal failure. Not only does this affect your comfort, but it also leads to energy wastage and increased utility bills.

Mold or Mildew Growth

Mold or mildew growth can become a concern when moisture infiltrates due to a failed window seal. As moisture accumulates between the glass panes, it provides an ideal environment for these unsightly and potentially harmful substances to thrive.

If you spot mold or mildew on or near your windows, it’s a clear sign that the seal is compromised and requires immediate attention.

Difficulty in Opening or Closing Windows

Over time, a deteriorating window seal can impact the operation of your windows. If you find it increasingly difficult to open or close your windows smoothly, it could be due to moisture damage or warping caused by the failed seal.

Ignoring this issue can lead to more extensive window damage and make your windows less secure.

What to Do When You Suspect a Broken Window Seal

Upon noticing any of these signs, taking action promptly is essential. Here’s what you should do:

  • Carry Out an Inspection

Carefully examine your windows for signs of seal failure, including foggy glass, drafts, or visible condensation between panes. Identifying the affected windows is the first step in addressing the issue.

  • Consult a Professional 

Consider consulting a professional window contractor or technician to assess the extent of the damage. They can provide expert advice on whether repairs or replacement of the window seals or windows are necessary.

  • Consider Repairs or Replacement

Based on the assessment, you can opt for repairs if the damage is limited. In some cases, this might involve resealing the window panes. However, if the seal is damaged in multiple places or the windows themselves show signs of extensive wear and tear, it’s advisable to consider a full window replacement. 

While repairs may offer a temporary solution, a replacement ensures long-term energy efficiency and the continued well-being of your home. Consult with a trusted professional to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.


Understanding how to recognize a broken window seal is essential for maintaining your home’s energy efficiency and integrity. If you notice any of these signs, addressing the issue promptly is crucial. 

Reach out to Phoenix Siding for top-notch window installation and other exterior renovation services. We’re here to assess your needs and provide efficient solutions that align with your home’s requirements and aesthetic preferences. 

Contact us now at Phoenix Siding or call 250-758-3818 to schedule a consultation. Let’s work together to ensure the longevity and efficiency of your windows and improve your home’s comfort and value!