As the colder weather approaches, making sure your home is properly insulated is critical for spending the winter in comfort without huge heating bills. Blown insulation delivers some of the best results when it comes to keeping your your wallet happy and your home warm this winter.

Most newer homes are properly insulated thanks to modern building codes, but many older homes may have inadequate insulation. If you get hit with high heating bills each winter, there’s a strong chance that your home may be inadequately insulated. Layering up in a warm sweater might help in keeping the cold off, but for a lasting solution we highly recommend choosing blown-in insulation for your home.

Blown-in insulation essentially involves blowing many tiny pieces of insulation via a hose into walls, ceilings and other areas needing it. One of the most cost-effective and efficient ways of insulating a home, here are some things you should know about blown-in insulation:

Equally Suited For New & Existing Builds

Most homes under construction use batt insulation – thick strips of fibreglass insulation. These are then cut to fit between ceiling joists and walls before wallboard is installed to help further increase insulation values. Installing batt insulation is rarely done for most existing homes, however. This is because drywall would have to be torn down and reinstalled which is a expensive and labour intensive process.

Blown-in insulation on the other hand has no such drawbacks for use in existing homes. It can be added to attics and walls with minimal hassle and can also seal small gaps and spaces as it settles. This helps to fill troublesome areas where cold air could otherwise come in. Blown-in insulation helps to reduce noises from outside the home, making it easier to relax and sleep at night.

At Phoenix Siding we highly recommend bring in a professional when adding blow-in insulation your home. This is because it involves drilling into spaces that can potentially contain electrical pipes and wiring. Some homeowners do choose to install blow-in insulation themselves as it doesn’t require any prior skills. However, it will require you to crouch and bend under low rafters in the attic in order to spread the insulation evenly. Follow the instructions printed on each bag of insulation and on the blower, as well as the tips below to help you safely and successfully complete an attic-insulating project.

Let Phoenix Siding make the exterior of your home beautiful! We have been installing Cedar siding, Hardie Plank, Vinyl siding and much more since 1990. Our team has industry-leading knowledge and expertise across all aspects of siding installations. From large-scale new commercial builds to small residential projects and renovations, our team can help you choose the best materials and get the job done for any kind of project.

Call us at 250-758-3818 or email us at today to find out more about our services and how we can help you!